Monday, August 17, 2009

the cat vs. me

We all know cats are such snobs and totally manipulate humans just to get food and whatever else they could possibly want but I have to admit I am such a sucker for my Lola, a.k.a. Kitty. I got so fed up with her only coming to me when she wanted something that I thought I would execute a little test. I wanted to see how long it would take before the cat actually came over to me - out of love - so I boycotted petting her... and waited.

After FIVE days it finally happened! I won! I won! I won! After working out I was stretching on the floor and Kitty somehow lifted her 16 lbs body off of the couch (she's ginormous BTW, even after months of dieting - probably because she steals the dog's food) and meandered over to me. She slowly walked back and forth infront of me purring constantly and finally rubbed up against my hand, requesting, nay demanding, she be petted. I can count on my hand the number of times she's done this. So I finally felt love from my cat, miracles do happen! Have hope. (She might have been wanting food but I'm gonna look on the bright side here for the sake of my deflated ego).
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Rachel said...

I love that you are playing emotional games with your cat Ha ha. She is going to need therapy one days because of you.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm, I think she maybe has you right where she wants you. I just don't understand it ;) I DO appreciate your use of the word 'nay,' however.

ariel said...

i think if i hadn't grown up with a cat that i was totally obsessed with, i would probably hate cats altogether. they are big snobs :)

Chris and Tara said...

Hooray for you. That is quite the victory. Ü

Tiffany said...

LOL I love this post :)