Friday, October 16, 2009

zuma beach

We spent some time at Zuma beach, near Malibu, which was gorgeous so I had to snap a few shots.

Dave's classic "what's-taking-so-long-Kirst?" look.

It was too cold to actually get in, unless you're totally nutty (which there were a few yahoos playing around in wet suits thinking they were cool).

I heart the beach house in this one and the surfers next to it (the yahoos).

1 comment:

Caprene said...

I know that beach well. In fact I spent just about every Tuesday of my senior year of high school there (we used wet/dry suits to surf in the colder times). What can I say? We'd just moved to CA, I figured I should just do as Californians do. Oh, and I had a mother who would write me out of school whenever I wanted since I was younger than my 18 year old friends who could write themselves out.
I LOVE ZUMA! Glad you liked it too.