It was so fun to get together with the Doxey family whom we just adore - all four girls, mom and patient, loving Dad. They are one of the funniest families you will ever meet - four girls yelling, laughing, arguing, and crying with their ever-patient dad quietly loving every minute.
Ta da! Our gift, a baby tub - in the shape of a whale, awesomeness.
You can find the recipe here on the best food blog ever.
Although I didn't end up making whoopie pies (I'm saving them for another party... want to invite me? I'll bring dessert!), I did make my own concoction and this is a hint:
Yum! Let's party right now.
And wow that cake looks UH-mazing.
Aaah, so fun and so good to see everyone. Good thing we are such amazing hostesses. Well, mostly you ;)
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